It is a book written by a journalist not a psychologist who shares impeccable skills in people relations with strangers. Malcolm uses his life, everyday media stories and policies to point out effects of misunderstanding strangers. He believes that those with power must act beyond common sense and reasonable doubt in all circumstances. Book highlights all communication barriers between strangers and how to avoid them. You will be able to learn why we are bad at detecting lies and train yourself to be fraud aware with the era of Ponzi schemes. Best book I have read on deciding making involving strangers. The book is eye-opening with series of incidents of the CIA overlooking spies from Cuba. Cuban spies were recruited to CIA and were not detected immediately. How was Cuba able to play the world’s most trained intelligence agency in US? The Key book case study was on Sandra Bland, a young black woman who was pulled over for a traffic violation. She was arrested and days later she commits suicide in her cell. Was Sandra disrespectful to the officer because she feared another ticket? Who smokes and does not care if others feel uncomfortable? Are all crimes similar in nature as the book suggests? Malcolm’s writing style keeps you gets you to the second chapter. Author wants people not to have their default setting to TRUST. How to act around strangers? How to make sure you get consent with strangers? How to interpret smiles of strangers? I have learnt to stop speed reading people because they are nervous with their speech and dress a certain way. Book’s subtitle is “What We Should Know about the People We Don’t Know”
A book about basic communication for everyone especially those in the business of motivational speaking industry not technical communicators. Book has nothing solid on the ABC communication planning. Written by John C. Maxwell. It’s about having the best relatable presentation. Author believes that communication must take people to the next level which is action. The book highlights the importance communication timing
THE 5AM CLUB was written by Robin Sharma who wrote “THE MONK WHO SOLD HIS FERRARI “Making it in life is not about working night and day .The book gives all solutions to life puzzles using Spellbinder, an entrepreneur , an artist, and Mr. Riley as the lead story Characters in the book. It is a book for you if you are looking for reinvention and purpose. Author believes that rising at 5 AM truly is the mother of all routines.
The Book is about owning your morning and elevating your life as the Subtitle suggests. It focuses on how people can explore their talents and manage life better. It speaks to anyone’s current condition and how to make it better. Book uses research and personal experiences to help a reader go through the stages of habit development. The Author believes that morning time before dawn is the most precious time on earth. He uses the 20/20/20 Formula to explain how you can Move, reflect and grow between 5am and 6am. Throughout the book, the message is clear on why we must all go slow with electronic devices if we want to be productive. The book offers practical and time-tested tactics on how to fight digital distraction and interruption. We all know how technology has killed creativity. He suggests people have device free days in a week. Book advises people to create a daily zero technology time 6pm-9pm. Have you thought about having meetings after lunch as opposed to early hours? There is also the aspect of morning exercises that we normally ignore. The author explains how moving the body regularly lifts your concentration, speeds up the processing potency of your brain.
5. DEBT-PROOF YOUR MARRIAGE. How to manage your money together.
Debt-proof your marriage. How to manage your money together was written by Mary Hunt. It’s a Practical book that helps anyone understand Marriage challenges, money personalities, and trouble with debt, financial communication, financial plans, and financial harmony.Mary who is a wall street Journal Best-selling Author, explains all the Marriage predictable development stages and how they are impacted with finances. The Book defines boundaries of money in a relationship and why finances must be discussed right from the courtship stage. Book encourages people in relationships to open up about finances. According to the book, money breaks up marriages even before their 7th anniversary.
You are A BADASS; How to stop doubting your greatness and start living an awesome life was written by Jen Sincere. The author shares how you can tune your subconscious mind and conscious mind to accelerate your personal development to achieve anything in life. Author gets practical with her personal life experiences. Within the first six months, author tripled her income with an online business created around coaching writers. The book focuses on the power of shifting the mindset. It explores all personal development tools like getting a mentor, meditation, forgiveness, life accountability systems like making abet with a mean person, and building the muscle of not caring what others think. Jen advises that everyone writes a thank you note to themselves every evening. Readers will learn how and why everyone must get a temporary role model.
”You are BADASS” looks at life as your party. You choose how you invite people and experiences and things into it. After reading the book, you will move from wanting to change your life to deciding to change your life.